ell introductory products online, then upsell those customers offline or on the phone. Ever been starving for a good meal and bit into a well-seasoned, juicy, succulent steak, and just walked away from it without finishing it? We suspect not. Well, the same type of emotion happens when you sell an introductory product to a customer online. The customers make a purchase, loves it, and wants more. Well, by upselling the customer “offline” you’ll be able to sell the customer on a much bigger product….and customer just may even have room for desert (more of your products and or services).
This is one of the best strategies we’ve implemented, both with television media and online. By having an “introductory offer”, you get the attention of those “slightly interested” customers that are not ready to make a big investment.
Your intro offer should be priced at 10-20% of the price of your main offer so that your customers can make a quick decision.
Once they have purchased, the gold will be in your customer database. There should be obvious Upsells and cross-sells that you can offer these customers during their customer journey.