se texting as a "call to action". Example: "Text us now at 1-555-555-1212 to get your free sample." The fact is that most people are within arms-reach of their phone at all times and most people are accustomed to sending and receiving text messages. By texting a call to action, you’re not only contacting prospects in a way in which they’re already used to, but you’re also more likely to make a sale.
Sign up for a text messaging service that allows you to use a regular 10-digit phone number to receive and send text messages.
Send regular engagement text messages so that your prospects get used to hearing/reading from you. Note: Make sure these text messages are NOT marketing messages. If you send 10 text messages in 1 year, 6-7 of your messages should be to build rapport with your prospects.Send regular engagement text messages so that your prospects get used to hearing/reading from you. Note: Make sure these text messages are NOT marketing messages. If you send 10 text messages in 1 year, 6-7 of your messages should be to build rapport with your prospects.
Use these messages to create more engagement and send reminders.
Example message: “Hello John, we look forward to speaking to you tomorrow at 1pm”. “John this is Tim the account rep, it was great speaking to you! Check out the pic I just sent you to show you how our previous client got X results is less than 60 days.” If you have any questions let me know. Take care, Tim. Hi Joe, this is Flo from Dr. Mike’s office, we wanted to make sure your back still feels good after your adjustment, have you been doing the stretches?
Use these messages to create more engagement and send reminders.
Example message: “Hello John, we look forward to speaking to you tomorrow at 1pm”. “John this is Tim the account rep, it was great speaking to you! Check out the pic I just sent you to show you how our previous client got X results is less than 60 days.” If you have any questions let me know. Take care, Tim. Hi Joe, this is Flo from Dr. Mike’s office, we wanted to make sure your back still feels good after your adjustment, have you been doing the stretches?